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How to sell quarterly rolling forecasting to the C-Suite

How to sell quarterly rolling forecasting to the C-Suite
By David Parmenter

Before we venture on to the process of implementation of rolling forecasting we need first to address selling the change within our organization.

As we will know from past experiences this sales process is not easy and can be prone to failure.  I would argue that […]

By |March 15th, 2022|Comments Off on How to sell quarterly rolling forecasting to the C-Suite

The 10 benefits of quarterly rolling forecasting process

The 10 benefits of the quarterly rolling forecasting process
By David Parmenter

The benefits include:

Macro view

Rolling forecasts allow for more accurate and versatile forecasting that will remain true to a company, even amid fluctuations in the industry, economy, or marketplace.

2. Businesses can continually adapt future forecasts to reflect industry, economic, and business changes, enabling them […]

By |March 15th, 2022|Comments Off on The 10 benefits of quarterly rolling forecasting process

12 lessons learnt when implementing rolling forecasting

12 lessons learnt when implementing rolling forecasting
By David Parmenter
These 12 lessons  are extracted from my Toolkit How to Implement Quarterly Rolling Forecasting and Quarterly Rolling Planning – and get it right first time // Toolkit (Whitepaper + e-templates)
I have come across a number of examples where companies have had to rebuild the forecasting model within 18 months of […]

By |March 15th, 2022|Comments Off on 12 lessons learnt when implementing rolling forecasting

7 Rolling forecasting templates

7 Rolling forecasting templates
By David Parmenter

These templates are discussed in great length in my Toolkit How to Implement Quarterly Rolling Forecasting and Quarterly Rolling Planning – and get it right first time // Toolkit (Whitepaper + e-templates)
You can have a look inside the toolkit

For more details access my toolkit that currently is on sale:
These […]

By |March 15th, 2022|Comments Off on 7 Rolling forecasting templates

4 rules for accurate revenue forecasting

4 rules for accurate revenue forecasting
By David Parmenter

“The basic building block of any forecast is the sales or income line. Most other variables are related to sales. But obtaining an unbiased sales forecast is no easy task. A well-prepared sales forecast should take account of marketing and promotion and new product launches. It should consider […]

By |March 14th, 2022|Comments Off on 4 rules for accurate revenue forecasting

Cull all finance spreadsheets over 100 rows

Cull all finance spreadsheets over 100 rows
By David Parmenter

Forecasting requires a good robust tool not a spreadsheet, built by some innovative accountant, which now no one can understand.  Often the main hurdle is the finance team’s reluctance to divorce itself from Excel. It has been a long and comfortable marriage albeit one that has limited […]

By |March 14th, 2022|Comments Off on Cull all finance spreadsheets over 100 rows

9 reasons why you should not forecast in Excel

Why you should not forecast in Excel and why you should limit spreadsheets to 100 rows
By David Parmenter

Forecasting requires a good robust tool not a spreadsheet, built by some innovative accountant, which now no one can understand.  Often the main hurdle is the finance team’s reluctance to divorce itself from Excel. It has been a […]

By |March 14th, 2022|Comments Off on 9 reasons why you should not forecast in Excel

9 reasons why you should migrate from forecasting in spreadsheets

9 reasons why you should migrate from forecasting spreadsheets
By David Parmenter

Forecasting requires a good robust tool not a spreadsheet, built by some innovative accountant, which now no one can understand.  Often the main hurdle is the finance team’s reluctance to divorce itself from Excel. It has been a long and comfortable marriage albeit one that […]

By |March 14th, 2022|Comments Off on 9 reasons why you should migrate from forecasting in spreadsheets

Never forecast at account code level

Forecasting at category level rather than at account code level
By David Parmenter

It is a myth that we needed forecast at account code level. A forecast is a view of the future. It will never, can never, be right. “It is better to be nearly right than precisely wrong” John Maynard Keynes.

Looking at detail does not […]

By |March 14th, 2022|Comments Off on Never forecast at account code level

The 8 myths around annual planning

The 8 myths around annual planning
By David Parmenter

There are many reasons why your annual planning in your organization is not working. One main factor is a lack of understanding of the myths surrounding annual planning.

Just like six centuries ago we are blind to the realities that are there to see on closer observation. We have […]

By |March 14th, 2022|Comments Off on The 8 myths around annual planning